Tag Archive for: security

Adobe Reader Security Updates
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Adobe Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products

In a digital landscape rife with potential threats and vulnerabilities, staying ahead of security risks has become an essential part of software development.
Senior citizen talking to IT support
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Protecting our elderly from cyber scams and attacks.

When it comes to cyber scams and attacks, by far the most vulnerable are the elderly. We can all help them to be more aware of what to look out for when they do venture online. Here are the most common scams targeting the elderly.
LastPass breach unencrypted
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Are you using LastPass?

For several years, LastPass has been one of the password management software applications we've recommended. Recently, they announced they suffered a breach at one of their cloud storage facilities.
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If MLK were alive today, he would be 93 years old. We would like to believe he would be pleased with the progress he inspired, but, as tech geeks, we also wonder what he would think of how the world has changed. After all, there was no internet, no cell phones, and so much more.
Strong password
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Protecting your business in 2023

There are many steps that a small business can take to protect itself from cybersecurity threats, but perhaps the single most important thing a small business can do is to implement a strong password policy. This includes requiring employees to use unique and complex passwords for all of their accounts,
HSS bad cookies
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HHS warns cookies can be bad for your health information

Not all cookies are created equally. As a self-professed chocolate cookie aficionado, I can personally attest to this. But last week, the Department of Health and Services alerted us that cookies may also be bad for our health ... information.
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A bit of egg on my face.

Well, this is a little embarrassing... Last week one of our promoted products, password manager LastPass, announced they had suffered a breach through a third-party cloud storage solution. They disclosed an unknown actor gained access to certain…
Social media app infringment
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Your apps are your security enemy. Here’s what we’ve recently discovered.

EULA, YOU, and HIPAA What do End User License Agreements and HIPAA have to do with each other? According to recent discoveries, a heck of a lot. It turns out apps like Meta's Facebook and Messenger, Instagram, Tik Tok, and others, are mining…
HIPAA law changes
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Get ready for major HIPAA changes

HIPAA Changes Ahead In January of 2021, we reported on an amendment to the HITECH act by congress that intended to advance HIPAA compliance and enforcement. The idea was to incentivize Covered Entities to adopt best practices for cybersecurity…
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The hospital attack that wasn’t

How Boston Children's dodged an attack This past week the FBI released details on a cyberattack against Boston Children's Hospital in November of last year. Prior to the attack, CISA and others sent alerts out to the healthcare community warning…
Active shooter training

Do you prefer security or privacy? You can’t have both.

What's Happening in Our Schools I was reading the FBI feeds recently following the horrific events in Texas last week. As more information comes to light, it's beginning to look (once again) like the warning signs were there, and here again,…