Tag Archive for: third party apps

Adobe Reader Security Updates
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Adobe Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products

In a digital landscape rife with potential threats and vulnerabilities, staying ahead of security risks has become an essential part of software development.
Cyber weakness
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Three cyber holes to be aware of

Three cyber weaknesses you can prevent. The list of computer vulnerabilities is growing rapidly right now. While this is an ongoing trend, the pace has picked up of late. Some may blame Russia, but in truth, they're just one part of the…
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Critical Google and Microsoft updates

Critical Update Alert Recently Microsoft and Google released a critical security update to their browsers. Since you likely use these browsers in your environment, you need to ensure that they stay up to date. Below we have included sets…
Windows 11
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Why Windows 11 needs to be in your 2022 budget

You need Windows 11 - NOW Another Intel chip, another iPhone, Galaxy, Chromebook, etc., it seems we're always being presented with the latest and greatest version of the technology we're using. While most updated software and devices are feature-packed…
Online Privacy
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Did your privacy take a hit in 2021?

What happened to your data in 2021 We haven't heard much about HIPAA in the past few years while the healthcare industry and regulators grappled with managing and responding to the COVID crisis. But that distraction has proven to be an ideal…
Email mistakes
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How To Blow Your HIPAA Compliance In 1 Email

Email Mistakes It has happened again, and it won't be the last time. The City of Boston just received their egg-in-the-face award for sending an email to all their recently-tested-positive Covid patients instructing them on the City's policies…
Ukraine russia cyber war
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The latest cyber news

The latest cyber news I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it. If you've been anywhere but under a rock lately, then you've heard about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This week we were treated to the news that Russia has launched a cyberwar against…
Pentagon Breach
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Russia to the Rescue!

Russia to the Rescue! I don't know about you, but it seems we've had a Russia obsession for more than a few years now. If Putin's goal was to live in the heads of our politicians, tormenting their dreams, it sure seems he has succeeded. Not…
HIPAA certified
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HIPAA compliance is a false sense of security

New HIPAA guidance Yesterday, December 20th, 2021, the Office for Civil Rights issued new guidance under the Privacy Rule on disclosures of PHI for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO). Inevitably, this is going to get twisted and contorted…
HIPAA violations
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New HIPAA guidance

New HIPAA guidance Yesterday, December 20th, 2021, the Office for Civil Rights issued new guidance under the Privacy Rule on disclosures of PHI for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO). Inevitably, this is going to get twisted and contorted…
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Log4Shell the simplest of hacks

The simplest of hacks... Imagine being able to hack a server simply by pasting a block of text into a chat window. Well, that's exactly what happened to the game MineCraft's servers over the weekend. The newly discovered vulnerability is called…
HIPAA violations tiers
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HIPAA Violations – Twenty-Five Fines and Counting

Twenty-Five Fines and Counting Since 2019, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the HIPAA enforcement arm of the Department of Health and Human Services, has been enforcing violations of the rights of patients to have timely access to their medical…
Fake email phishing scam
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The Holiday Con

It's that time of year, are you ready? Given the cyber-crime epidemic we are experiencing, it stands to reason this holiday season, historically a peak period for cyber crime, will see a considerable spike in scams. Here's a list of the top…
Zero Trust Network Security
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Changing trust by default

Traditional trust-based networking is undergoing a massive paradigm shift, affecting you if it hasn't already. If you think you're losing your freedoms, no place will that be more evident than in your work environment. This stripping of your…
Cybersecurity Online Training

Cybersecurity Training and HIPAA

Which Employees Require HIPAA Training? The HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR § 164.530) and the HIPAA Security Rule (45 CFR § 164.308) stipulate training should be provided to all members of the workforce not only the ones that have contact with…
EHR tablet computer

Sharing PHI with Third Party Applications

The FTC has been warning third-party healthcare applications to tighten up their security, and that they are watching. This follows reports from Ponemon Institute and Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report highlighting the healthcare…